Friday, April 11, 2014

Top 15 Marvel Cosmic Beings

1. Beyonder (Original Origin) - The Beyonder was originally from an infinite realm beyond the Marvel Multiverse, called the Beyond-realm, and was the sum of everything outside the multiverse (our multiverse was a drop in the sea compared to the Beyond-realm). It became self aware and formed a being of immeasurable power. (He was originally described as millions of times more powerful than the entire multiverse.)

2. The Living Tribunal - is the judge of the cosmic entities who ensures that the cosmic laws are obeyed,and safeguards the multiverse from mystical imbalance. It has declared itself to "transcend the realms of Death and Eternity, Order and Chaos. All the opposing realities", likening itself to all spectra and scales of dualities and balance. Before the Living Tribunal can act his three faces must reach a unanimous verdict; these represent Necessity, Vengeance and Equity. It claims to act as a representative for an even higher being, that has never been explicitly shown. The Tribunal is generally considered to be the most powerful of all known cosmic entities, although Mephisto compared him to merely "the biggest kid in the schoolyard", adding that he is none too forthcoming about the "headmaster". Note that the Tribunal rules over all of the Marvel Universe's alternate versions as well; an M-Body of the Living Tribunal is present in each universe of the Marvel multiverse.

3. Protege - Protege was a cosmic entity, the child-like ruler of the Universal Church of Truth. And was able to copy The Living Tribunal nigh-omnipotent powers.

4. Celestials - A race of cosmic beings with several human-like qualities. Apparently, they guide cosmic evolution to create new beings such as themselves, and possess power enough to create entire universes, or contain such within themselves they have numerous possible origins.

5. Death - Embodies the end that eventually comes to all living things, ranging from single cell organisms, sentient mortal beings to the universe itself. The opposite of Eternity. The Living Tribunal likened Death to vengeance. 

6.Oblivion - The counterpart of Death, but appears as a male. Embodies the nothingness from which everything came and will eventually return to. Perhaps better described as "the other side of the coin," and not as a fully separate entity from Death.

7. Galactus - The devourer of worlds and sole survivor of the destruction of the previous universe, reborn in the Big Bang as a "galactic ravager". Although not an abstract, non-corporeal being, his true form is unknown. He has stated that he exists to rectify the imbalances of Eternity and Death, prevents Abraxas' destructive influence on the universe, and in one alternate future initiates the creation of the next universe. The Silver Surfer has stated that Galactus' death would cause an explosion with a span of 42 light years, and Eternity has stated that Galactus' death would result in the eventual collapse of the universe. Eternity has referred to him as the "third force of the universe", he has called Eternity "father", and Death has called him "my husband and father, my brother and son", as they were "born at the same moment" and are "two corners of that great triangle which is the universe". The Living Tribunal likened Galactus to equity.

8.Master Order - Embodies the universal concept of Order. Opposite of Lord Chaos. Likened to necessity by the Living Tribunal.

9.Lord Chaos - Embodies the universal concept of Chaos. Opposite of Master Order. Together with Master Order, Lord Chaos claims to be responsible for assigning fates to mortals. Likened to vengeance by the Living Tribunal.Master Order and Lord Chaos created the In-Betweener as a balance between them.

10. In-Betweener - Represents the synthesis between all concepts within the universe, such as life and death, order and chaos, love and hate, god and man, impotence and omnipotence. However, it resents its servitude to Order and Chaos, and has tried to break free several times. The In-Betweener was directly created by Order and Chaos and is looked upon by them as an agent. The Living Tribunal likened it to equity.

11. Eternity - Sentience and de facto supreme being of the universe. Sometimes acts in conjunction with its counterpart, Infinity. When talking to the Silver Surfer about various universal trinities the Living Tribunal likened Eternity to necessity.

12. Infinity - The counterpart of Eternity, but appears as a female. Believed to embody the concept of space, and along with Eternity embodies the space/time continuum. Perhaps better described as "the other side of the coin," and not as a fully separate entity from Eternity.

13. Cosmic Cubes - Objects of great power. Not always cubical, and in such cases referred as "cosmic containment units". Created by the Beyonders to test the concept of desire in mortal beings. They can grant wishes, but eventually are "born" into individual entities. The Shaper of Worlds, Kubik, and Kosmos are all former cosmic cubes. Possess power enough to erase galaxies from existence, attain galactic size and create universes, or collapse one upon itself. 

14. The Phoenix Force/Jean Grey - The Phoenix is the culmination of all psionic energy that exists, has existed, or ever will exist, via sentient life, it has been described as "a manifestation of the Prime Life-force" and "the passion of creation". In the universe which existed before the current Marvel Universe, the Phoenix Force saved all life from damnation, ensuring that Galan of Taa remained alive long enough to meet and unite with the Sentience of the Universe, to be reborn as Galactus in the current creation. It has a tendency to materially manifest via telepathic mortals at which times it is often portrayed as being a powerful force throughout the Marvel universe. At other times, it is known to exist as a non-conscious essence of nature, devoid of interaction with the physical realms. The Phoenix Force is usually associated with the mortal mutant Jean Grey who serves as avatar/host of the Phoenix Force. Jean Grey has now actually become one with the Force, with all others merely serving as temporary vessels.

15. Deathurge - Embodiment of suicide, and herald of Oblivion, capable of killing virtually anything, including cosmic entities, with its assortment of ebony weaponry. Loosely based on the Black Racer.

Recently updated the list please understand i made a few errors and i know alot of people don't "Like" beyonder but it comes to mind even the Marvel Staff at the time noted that PR-Beyonder even was on par with TOAA and when Jim Shooter left the chief was mad and took over so Beyonder "ORIGINAL ORIGIN" is at the top since not even the living tribunal couldn't truly stop him naming that he even had "Omnipotence" so if you don't like the list or want me to re-make it just ask me.

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