Friday, April 11, 2014

Top 10 Marvel Mutants

1. Beyonder (Inhuman)- Beyonder was a mutant Inhuman who already had unspecified powers, then entered the Terrigen Mists and had those powers increased exponentially. It is unclear whether his power under this retcon is greater of lesser than the Cosmic Cube version of the Beyonder, or if it is even at the level of Pre-Retcon Beyonder. He was able to create a replica of Manhattan, including its normal and super-powered citizens, a feat that would certainly fall within the power of a sentient Cosmic Cube.Post Retcon Beyonder has reality warping powers, but not as powerful as other versions.Either he is holding back, or just his limitation. Remains to be seen. Beyonder has Hulk level strength, cellular replication, super durability, and superhuman intelligence. Along with his reality altering powers.This version is Nigh-Omnipotent.

2. Franklin Richards- Franklin Richards has been stated to be an Omega Level Mutant. The Celestials have described him as being Beyond Omega Classification.

3. Jean Gray (Phoenix)- Jean is also an Omega Level Mutant. The highest point of power a mutant can ever reach without outside forces she obtains high omega level telekinetic and telepath, Jean has gained near limitless powers as a recurrent host of the Phoenix Force.

4. En-Sabah-Nur- Apocalypse Is easily one of the most powerful mutants who ever lived. After exposure to the Celestial Ship, all of Apocalypse's powers have been enhanced far beyond their original limits.

5. Absolon Mercator- Absolon Mercator has been stated to be an Omega Level Mutant. He has been described to be extremely powerful, even considering the Omega-level Mutants standards.

6. Emma Frost- Emma Frost possessed telepathic abilities of a similar, or slightly lower, caliber to those of Charles Xavier, over which she had an extremely refined level of skill. Frost has been cited as a "World-class telepath", "Omega Class Telepath" and a "Psi of the Highest Order" capable of extraordinary telepathic feats. However it was revealed her telepathic powers were greatly damaged by the Phoenix Force, thought she still possesses them.

7. Charles Xavier- Professor Charles Xavier is an Omega Class Telepath, and possesses vast psionic powers

8. Magneto- Magneto is a mutant, and has been stated on several occasions to be one of the most powerful mutants high metal control of Omega Class.

9. Wolverine- Wolverine is a mutant who has been given an unbreakable skeleton from Weapon X Program and augmented by Apocalypse.

10. Cyclops- Cyclops possesses the mutant ability to project a powerful beam of concussive, ruby-colored force from his eyes.

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